
Better luck next week…

I hit a wall this week.  I couldn’t focus and pull anything together at all.  I’m trying to write a game review, about a game I really like, but I can’t find the right words.  Beyond that, nothing really grabbed me this or sparked an interest enough that I felt like I needed or even wanted to share my opinion or thoughts on it.  So, better luck next week.  I’m going to let it go this weekend and work on something else.  Hopefully, next week, I’ll be more productive.

The New Haven Chronicles – Oribital Defiance exert

Here is an exert from orbital Defiance, the first book in the New Haven Chronicles series.  It’s heavy military sci-fi, so if that’s not your bag, than you likely won’t enjoy it.

Click this link, apparently to behold the PDF wonder.

Orbital Defiance


So it was my plan…intention to have my next book (Orbital Defiance, the first book in the New Haven Chronicles series) done by the first of march.  Yeah, that’s not going to happen.  Progress has been slower than I expected and it’s taking me longer to get through my second edit/revision than I had hoped.  And it still has to be given a look over by my newly acquired editor.  Yay, for fewer typos and grammatical errors.  I could try to rush it and do it half assed, but I really want to do it fully assed…what I mean is that I want to get it right.  I’m by no means a perfectionist, but there is certainly a line between good enough and the best you can make it.  And I’m not there yet.  Soon, but not yet.

Additionally, this has also pushed back a few other things.  A revised copy of Method of Life is coming…soonish, along with it being available through additional vendors as well as in physical copy.  There won’t be any story changes…probably.  So if you’re looking for that, than too bad.  This is mainly just another revision, from the editor I mentioned before.  It always helps to have another set of eyes, smarter eyes, look over your work.  When working on something for so long, you can begin to ignore problems that have been right there staring you in the face.  You also have to admit to yourself when you’ve done the most you can on your own and find outside help to get you to that next level.

I sort of want to add some things to Method, story wise, but I don’t know when I’ll find the time to write them.  It wouldn’t change the story, but rather expand on a few of the character relationships.
And then there is the issue of having two versions of the book out there.  Though at this point, so few people have bought it, read it, that it might not even matter.  I’m not exactly getting Harry Potter numbers here.  Not yet anyway.  You’re going down Potter!

A short story might accomplish the same thing, while not having to try and shoehorn two or three more scenes into the flow of the book.  I like that idea better I think.

Thank You…

Thanks to everyone who downloaded my book during the free promo. I hope you enjoy it and by all means leave a review.
Leaving a review on the Amazon sale page is very important, so if you did download or have bought it already, than I urge you to leave a comment there.  It really helps…and even if you didn’t like it, let me know.

Thanks again.
Method of Life


Also, here’s a missile launcher I made today.  Enjoy.missile

Free Ebook Promotion…

Get my ebook for free, today thru Saturday on Amazon. Method of Life

But I don’t have one of those fancy Kindles.  That doesn’t matter.  If you’re reading this, than you have a computer…obviously.  You can get the Kindle App for your computer, PC’s and Mac’s.  So there is no excuse, unless you don’t like to read and if that’s the case than what the hell are you doing looking at this blog with all these words.  Go somewhere else, where there are just pictures.

But I’m not down with Amazon or their Kindle.

Fine.  You’ll just have to wait a little longer to read the greatness that is Method of Life.  It will be available through other ebook services in a few months…there might even be a hard copy if that’s your bag.  Maybe I’ll write my name in one if you want.  It’s going to cost more though, cause that’s the way the world works.

The free book promotion is going well.  How well?  I’ll never tell.  Insert maniacal laughter.  I had zero expectations so anything is good really and at this point in the game, just getting my work into the hands of people who might actually read it and tell me what they think is a win.  Really that’s the hardest thing that no one ever tells you.  You can do something great and I’m by no means saying my work is great, I’m just using some amazing fictional work of greatness as a stand in…you do this great work, but until you get people to take the time to notice, you might as well be holding onto it with both hands and giving people who could be interested an evil look when they walk in your direction.

And that is publishing on the Internet!  You’re screaming at the top of your lungs, look at me and this thing I made.  The catch is that the Internet is full of people trying to get their work noticed.  So it becomes a game of who can yell the loudest.  And apparently offering things for free, is a good way to get noticed.  People like free stuff.  Who would have guessed.  I’ve given away more books this week, than I’ve sold since the book was released.  That’s sort of a bummer.  Yes, I still use the word bummer.  Deal with it.

Oh well.  I’m an artist and I don’t care about things like sales numbers.  I make art for arts sake, not to make money.  What’s that, medical bills are overdue?  And now they’re turning off the water?  I don’t need a doctor or showers.

They’re cutting off the internet.

Ok, now it’s serious.

Download my free book.  Read it, then write a review….then tell your friends the title page was more enjoyable than all of Twilight.  That’s right, I said it.  Method of Life

Method of Life is Free today!!!

Go get it now!

But I don’t have a Kindle eReader?
You don’t need one.
Get the Kindle eReader App for you phone, tablet, or computer right here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771

Now there is no excuse.
Go download it now: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0093JL7ZQ

And if you feel like it, you can read it to.

My novel for free, through Christmas…and the Walking Dead Game…

Another shameless plug.

My book, Method of Life, will be free beginning Christmas day, through 12-29-12.  If you haven’t already purchased a copy, than this is your chance to get it for zero dollars.  You’ve got nothing to lose and it would help me out immensely if you download it, even if you never read…though I hope you do.  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0093JL7ZQ

Also a reminder, if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download the kindle reader app for your your phone, tablet, or computer.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771


On another note, I finished the Walking Dead Game.  I’ve had videogames effect me emotionally before, but never this strongly.  I teared up during the big death scene in Gears of War 3, and was left feeling gutted at the end of Mass Effect 3, aside from the gut wrenching deaths of more than a few characters throughout that game.  That being said, never before have I had a game push me emotionally through every stage.  The instances I cited, were short and once done, they were largely over and I could begin to move on.  That wasn’t the case with the Walking Dead.

There are moments when Clementine looks at you, and she breaks your heart.  People die and it’s like getting punched in the stomach because you don’t see it coming.  And the end…I’m not sure I can put it into words.

Sure, there are parts of the game that are clunky.  A few times throughout the game, the facial expressions don’t match up with how the character is actually responding, though it becomes less of an issue as the game progresses.  I’m not sure if I stopped noticing, or if they simply got better.  Either way, it’s a minor part.  The game is fun, trying, and the story hits every mark it aims for, often surpassing those goals.

As far as storytelling in games is concerned, The WD, has to be near the top of any list, which is an achievements all on its own.  Forget that the game is fun to play, looks uniquely stylized, and is fully fleshed out.  The mere fact TellTale achieved a story on par with anything the Tripple-A studios have done, speaks volumes, not a=only about their capabilities but where the future of story telling in games can and no doubt will go in the next generation.

If you like games at all, you owe it to yourself to play this.  If you like zombies, play it.  If you like the Walking Dead, play it.  I doubt you will be disappointed.  It’s not only the best game I’ve played this year, or in recent memory, it may very well be my favorite game of all time.

I hope there is a Season 2.

The Sensible Thing to do…

Method of Life has a snazzy new cover.  If it’s not showing up in the thumbnail, as it isn’t for me, than something must be wrong in the Interwebs.  Maybe the tubes are clogged.  I don’t know, I’m not an IT guy.  Trust me, there’s a new cover.  Go ahead and click the link and see for yourself.

While you’re there looking at the new cover, go ahead and let your mouse/finger slide on over to the Buy button.  It feels good doesn’t it, almost natural.  It’s as if your entire life has been building towards this one moment.  As if, your sole purpose on this earth has finally been revealed to you.  You’re welcome.

You know what feels even better, actually buying a copy, which you can do right now for the low, low price of $2.99.  That’s quite a deal.  I’m practically giving it away…and starting Dec. 25, I will be giving it away.  Starting Christmas day, you can download Method for Free, so there is no excuse for not getting, unless you hate me and if that’s the case than why are we online acquaintances?  That just seems wrong.

No worries.  We’ll work it out later after you’re done buying my book.

So buy it now or wait a few more days and get it for free.  Either way is cool, unless as we discussed previously, we’re not really friends.  In which case you should make it up to me by buying several copies of my book.  It’s really the only sensible thing to do.  Buy Me!

The New Haven Chronicles History….redux

Because I don’t have enough to do already within this one man created sci-fi universe, I’ve decided to rewrite the timeline.  The old bullet-point timeline will still exist and will continue to be updated as things progress and it may even be streamlined some to make it more easy to digest.  The new timeline/history will be more like a history text book from the POV of some observer after the war has concluded…probably.  It will also be much more conclusive and in depth, though at this point I’m not sure how long it will be and through what means it will be released.

I’d like to create some sort of New Haven companion (an actual book with all sorts of art and filled with detail) and I could see it being part of that, but that is still a long ways off.  So for the time being I may just put it up on the blog, if and when it’s done.  I’m not sure yet and there’s still the little matter of actually writing the thing so there is plenty of time to figure all of that out.

I’m still working on the edits for Orbital Decay.  It’s looking more like the release will be pushed to early 2013, possibly January, though no later than February.  I want to have plenty of time to go over it at least one more time after I finish this round of edits and I’d like another set of eyes to give it a once over as well.  Since this is the first book in the series and will set the standard which the rest of the series will follow, as well as setting peoples first impression, I want to get it right, rather than putting it out there before it’s ready.

When I get closer to knowing a firm date for the release, I’ll start running promos and advertising the release date as much as possible.  I hope that I can count on many of you to help me spread the word when the time comes and I’ll get into that more when I know the actual date of release.

I’m also working on a short story, that will serve as a promo itself.  The idea being that many may not purchasing the full book to make the decisions if New Haven is their cup of tea, so instead they can read the short story to get an idea of my writing style and how things will work in the series.  I’ll have more on this later as I get closer to having Orbital Decay finalized and start the whole promo process.

For those that might be waiting (anyone?  let me know.) it won’t be long now.